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Catholic Identity:

Christian Doctrine Each child shall be instructed in the truths of the Catholic faith according to guidelines set down by the Archdiocesan Religious Education Program. Through this instruction, the school makes known to the students, the person and the message of Christ, as well as an understanding of the Catholic Church.


Sacramental Preparation:

In keeping with the most recent recommendations of the Archdiocesan Office of Religious Education, the children of St Anastasia School participate in a program of sacramental preparation which is based on parental involvement and responsibility. Instruction is provided in a group setting by the classroom teacher and the parents on an individual basis. The parents, teachers, and parish priests determine readiness of the child for the sacraments. Preparation for reception of Eucharist and Reconciliation takes place in second grade. Confirmation preparation and reception take place in eighth grade. Sacramental guidelines are given at parent meetings.


Liturgical Involvement:

An important aspect of the Religious Education Program of the school involves participation in the liturgy of the Church. In order to make this as meaningful as possible, provisions are made for prayer services and liturgies at which the whole school participates.


Sacramental Programs:


First Eucharist/Reconciliation

The Sacraments of the First Eucharist and Reconciliation are received in Second Grade. In preparation for this sacrament, students along with their parents are required to attend weekly Sunday masses. Parents must also attend meetings relative to this program and monthly formation classes. The preparation of the children is a concerted effort among our pastor, second-grade teacher/s and/or Religious Education director.

Fee Per Student - $50.00 (Added to family FACTS account in Oct)



The Sacrament of Confirmation Program takes place during the candidate’s eighth-grade year. There is a prerequisite of at least one-full year enrollment in a Catholic school before a candidate can be considered for the program. In preparation for this sacrament, students along with their parents are required to attend weekly Sunday masses. Parents must also attend meetings relative to this program and monthly formation classes. The preparation of the children is a concerted effort among our pastor, eighth-grade teacher/s and/or Religious Education director.Once enrolled, the candidate must fulfill the basic requirements, including 35 service hours, in addition to continued participation in the Religious Education Program of a Catholic school.The Sacrament of Confirmation is administered to candidates sometime during the second or third trimester of the school year, depending upon the availability of the administering bishop.

Fee Per Student - $75.00 (Added to family FACTS account in Oct)

St. Anastasia School

629 West Glen Flora Ave

Waukegan, IL 60085

Call Us: 847-623-8320

Fax: 847-623-0556

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